2. Erythroplakia
This is characterized by red velvety patch, which is not associated with any trauma or
inflammation. It may present with or without leucoplakia. This lesion is easily missed out but is considered to have great
malignancy potential.
3. Oral sub mucous fibrosis.
This condition is characterized by limited opening of mouth and burning sensation on eating of
spicy food. This is a progressive lesion in which the opening of the mouth becomes progressively limited, and later on even
normal eating becomes difficult.
It occurs almost exclusively in India and Indian communities living abroad.
Professor Newell Johnson an expert oral surgeon said, "we know this condition, oral sub mucous fibrosis has
highest rate of transferring to malignancy of any of the so called pre-malignant lesions in the mouth. It is a very serious
Sub mucous fibrosis is common in ladies